New blog: Review, Rewatch, Recycle

Have you been craving to hear more of my ranting and raving about old TV shows? Perhaps expand more into movies and other types of entertainment? Well, head on over to my brand new blog and you’ll get stuff like that! Probably! It’s still under construction a bit, but I’ve posted my first review in my new Futurama rewatch series, and a review/analysis of Sausage Party should be up tomorrow. Hope to see you there!

New blog announcement

Anyone still lurking around here? Just wanted to announce I’m planning on starting a new blog, hopefully putting it up sometime this coming week. I was toying with the idea of doing a direct successor to Me Blog Write Good, going through the entirety of a different show like Futurama or South Park, but I didn’t want to just copy the same formula. So I figured the best idea would be to just have an all-purpose blog where I can review or talk about whatever the hell I want. I plan on doing a full Futurama rewatch, but I will be doing that alongside of other reviews, mostly on animation, but other movies/shows/Internet things could pop in there too. Anyway, just wanted to gauge if this was anything people would be interested in, and if so, what kind of content you’d like to see. I’ll post here again in a few days when the blog goes up.